AntiPhish.AI is a Chrome extension that empowers Gmail users to spot phishing emails with ease. Instead of blocking messages, it focuses on knowing what to look for in a phishing email.
AntiPhish.AI is a Chrome extension built to help Gmail users spot and understand phishing emails. Instead of just blocking messages, it focuses on teaching users to recognize risks—because staying alert is the best way to avoid phishing.
When AntiPhish.AI scans an email, it uses green and red flags to highlight safe or suspicious details, giving users a quick visual guide to judge the email's safety. It also points out emotional cues like urgency or fear, which scammers often use to trick people into quick reactions.
This is especially important because phishing emails can come from trusted sources—either due to hacked accounts or emails that slip through Gmail’s filters. With AntiPhish.AI, users get a helpful tool to assess emails on their own, keeping their inbox safer and building stronger email awareness.